IntroductionDescriptionTech. DataDXKDXDXLFDTKDTDTLF

Rotary vane compressors, oil-freeRotary Vane Compressors (oil-free)

The simplicity of design with only one shaft and direct drive produces robust, long-lasting compressors with low maintenance and running costs. These compressors operate completely oil-free; the individual chambers are separated by long-life vanes.


  • DT Series
  • KDT Series
  • DTLF Series
  • X Series (DX, KDX, DXLF)

Already featuring integrated intake filters and control valves, these compressors can be fitted with other accessories without a problem. The blast-air cooler, which is also integrated, guarantees a very low blast air temperature. The compact cover ensures low noise and heat emission. Optional corrosion protection also makes these compressors suitable for extracting moist air.

The frequency inverter integrated in the VARIAIR UNIT significantly enhances the
performance data of rotary vane compressors. It matches compressor delivery exactly to customer requirements. Energy consumption is optimised and constant vacuum is guaranteed even where demand is subject to Variation or severe fluctuation. As no unnecessary blast air is generated, air discharge noise is kept to a minimum. “Gentle” compressor start-up reduces strain on mechanical components and reliably extends their useful life. Variable Output ranges minimise the number of different types required, thus also providing logistical advantages.

Series X: Becker Innovation with Top Warranty

Pneumatic technology of the Becker brand is worldwide a synonym for precisely dosed, smooth industrial processes in many industrial sectors. For application areas with high requirements, as they are common for example in the electronics industries, Becker offers the vacuum pump product line: the series X.

With this special development [suitable for the application], Becker extends its popular DT/KDT/DTLF product range by the models DX, KDX and DXLF.

Equipped with specially developed vanes, these oil-free rotary vane pumps distinguish themselves by high abrasion resistance and with that extremely long service lives. And since no dust develops where there is virtually no wear, the devices of the series X are perfectly suited for precision processes under clean room conditions.

The innovation branded by Becker is outstanding not only because of its 100 percent oil-free operation, excellent degree of efficiency and low power consumption. In the area of sensitive vacuum, series X also guarantees precise low-pulsation air conduction.

And to top that, Becker offers for the first time full warranty of at least 20,000 maintenance-free operating hours for this innovation – a guarantee for top technology with the following advantages:

• quick, clean, quiet
• oil-free
• vibration stable
• wear resistant
• energy saving
• long-life reliable

An additional reliability plus is the on-site service by Becker in case of need. Exchange installations and the downtimes associated with that are no longer an issue anymore.

*We are an authorized distributor of Becker Pumps, providing genuine products with expert technical support and full warranty.

type max. blast air rate
[m3/h] 50/60Hz
max. pressure
[mbar abs.] 50/60Hz
max. pressure
[mbar rel.] 50/60Hz
max. motor capacity
[KW] 50/60Hz
DT 4.2 1,9/2,3 1600/1600 +600/+600 0,09/0,105
DT 4.4 4,2/4,9 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 0,18/0,21
DT 4.6/0-61 5,7/6,4 1500/1500 +500/+500 0,18/0,21
DT 4.8 8/9,5 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 0,35/0,42
DT 4.10 10/12 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 0,37/0,45
DT 4.16 16/19 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 0,55/0,75
DT 4.25K 25/30 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 1,10/1,30
DT 4.40K 40/48 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 1,85/2,20
DX 4.10 10/12 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 0,37/0,45
DX 4.16 16/19 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 0,55/0,75
DX 4.25K 25/30 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 1,10/1,30
DX 4.40K 40/48 2000/2000 +1000/+1000 1,85/2,20
DT 4.25/0-80 25/30 1600/1600 +600/+600 0,75/0,90
DT 4.40/0-80 40/48 1500/1500 +500/+500 1,25/1,50
DX 4.25/0-80 25/30 1600/1600 +600/+600 0,75/0,90
DX 4.40/0-80 40/48 1500/1500 +500/+500 1,25/1,50
KDT 3.60 54/63 2500/2500 +1500/+1500 3,00/3,50
KDT 3.80 66/77 2500/2500 +1500/+1500 4,00/4,80
KDT 3.100 99/118 2500/2500 +1500/+1500 5,50/6,40
KDT 3.140 129/153 2500/2500 +1500/+1500 7,80/9,30
KDX 3.60 54/63 2500/2500 +1500/+1500 3,00/3,50
KDX 3.80 66/77 2500/2500 +1500/+1500 4,00/4,80
KDX 3.100 99/118 2500/2500 +1500/+1500 5,50/6,40
KDX 3.140 129/153 2500/2500 +1500/+1500 7,80/9,30
DTLF 2.200 174/216 3000/3000 +2000/+2000 11,0/12,5
DTLF 2.250 247/294 3000/3000 +2000/+2000 15,0/18,0
DTLF 2.360 360/- 1900/- +900/- 15,0/-
DXLF 2.200 174/216 3000/3000 +2000/+2000 11,0/12,5
DXLF 2.250 247/294 3000/3000 +2000/+2000 15,0/18,0
DTLF 2.400 365/440 2800/2800 +1800/+1800 18,5/22,0
DTLF 2.500 515/600 2800/2800 +1800/+1800 30,0/34,5
DXLF 2.400 365/440 2800/2800 +1800/+1800 18,5/22,0
DXLF 2.500 515/600 2800/2800 +1800/+1800 30,0/34,5
VARIAIR max. blast air rate
max. pressure
[mbar abs.]
max. pressure
[mbar rel.]
max. motor capacity
DT 4.40/0-400 42,5 2000 +1000 2,20
KDT 3.80/0-400 79 2500 +1500 4,00
DTLF 2.250/0-400 285 2800 +1800 15,0
DXLF 2.250/0-400 285 2800 +1800 15,0


  • 100% Oil-less operation
  • X-tended vane life: 20,000 hours (3 years max)
  • Quick, clean, quiet
  • Oil-free
  • Vibration stable
  • Wear-resistant
  • Energy saving
  • Long life reliability


Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
DX 4.10 10 / 12 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 0.37 / 0.45 16
DX 4.16 16 / 19 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 0.55 / 0.75 23.5
DX 4.25K 25 / 30 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 1.10 / 1.30 36.5
DX 4.40K 40 / 48 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 1.85 / 2.20 46
DX 4.25 / 0-80 25 / 30 1600 / 1600 +600 / +600 0.75 / 0.90 26
DX 4.40 / 0-80 40 / 48 1500 / 1500 +500 / +500 1.25 / 1.50 38.5


  • X-tended vane life: 20,000 hours (3 years max)
  • Quick, clean, quiet
  • Oil-free
  • Vibration stable
  • Wear-resistant
  • Energy saving
  • Long life reliability


Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
KDX 3.60 54 / 63 2500 / 2500 +1500 / +1500 3.00 / 3.50 76
KDX 3.80 66 / 77 2500 / 2500 +1500 / +1500 4.00 / 4.80 78
KDX 3.100 99 / 118 2500 / 2500 +1500 / +1500 5.50 / 6.40 104
KDX 3.140 129 / 153 2500 / 2500 +1500 / +1500 7.80 / 9.30 121



  • X-tended vane life: 20,000 hours (3 years max)
  • Quick, clean, quiet
  • Oil-free
  • Vibration stable
  • Wear-resistant
  • Energy saving
  • Long life reliability



Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
DXLF 2.200 174 / 216 3000 / 3000 +2000 / +2000 11.0 / 12.5 226
DXLF 2.250 247 / 294 3000 / 3000 +2000 / +2000 15.0 / 18.0 267
DXLF 2.400 365 / 440 2800 / 2800 +1800 / +1800 18.5 / 22.0 420
DXLF 2.500 515 / 600 2800 / 2800 +1800 / +1800 30.0 / 34.5 478
DXLF 2.250/0-400 310

DT4 Series


  • 100% Oil-less operation
  • Cool, quiet operation
  • Long vane life
  • Inlet filters standard
  • Discharge silencers
  • Low blast air temperature
  • Direct drive
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Continuous duty rated
  • Optional corrosion protection
  • Optional Variair frequency inverter



Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
DT 4.2 1.9 / 2.3 1600 / 1600 +600 / +600 0.09 / 0.105 7
DT 4.4 4.2 / 4.9 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 0.18 / 0.21 7
DT 4.6/0-61 5.7 / 6.4 1500 / 1500 +500 / +500 0.18 / 0.21 7
DT 4.8 8 / 9.5 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 0.35 / 0.42 11.5
DT 4.10 10 / 12 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 0.37 / 0.45 16
DT 4.16 16 / 19 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 0.55 / 0.75 23.5
DT 4.25K 25 / 30 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 1.10 / 1.30 36.5
DT 4.40K 40 / 48 2000 / 2000 +1000 / +1000 1.85 / 2.20 46
DT 4.25 / 0-80 25 / 30 1600 / 1600 +600 / +600 0.75 / 0.90 26
DT 4.40 / 0-80 40 / 48 1500 / 1500 +500 / +500 1.25 / 1.50 38.5
DT 4.40/0-400 42.5 2000 +1000 2.20 49


  • 100% Oil-less operation
  • Quiet
  • Cool operation
  • Long vane life
  • Inlet filters included
  • Discharge silencers
  • Direct drive
  • Pressure regulators included
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Continuous duty rated
Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
KDT 3.60 54 / 63 2500 / 2500 +1500 / +1500 3.00 / 3.50 76
KDT 3.80 66 / 77 2500 / 2500 +1500 / +1500 4.00 / 4.80 78
KDT 3.100 99 / 118 2500 / 2500 +1500 / +1500 5.50 / 6.40 104
KDT 3.140 129 / 153 2500 / 2500 +1500 / +1500 7.80 / 9.30 121
KDT 3.80/0-400 79 2500 +1500 4.00 87.5
KDT 3.100/0-400 118 2500 +1500 7.50 132
KDT 3.140/0-400 150 2500 +1500 7.50 149



  • Clear filter access lets you see when filter needs to be changed
  • 100% Oil-less operation
  • Quiet
  • Cool operation
  • Long vane life
  • Inlet filters included
  • Discharge silencers
  • Direct drive
  • Pressure regulators included
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Continuous duty rated
Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
DTLF 2.200 174 / 216 3000 / 3000 +2000 / +2000 11.0 / 12.5 226
DTLF 2.250 247 / 294 3000 / 3000 +2000 / +2000 15.0 / 18.0 267
DTLF 2.360 360 / – 1900 / – +900 / – 15.0 / – 277
DTLF 2.400 365 / 440 2800 / 2800 +1800 / +1800 18.5 / 22.0 420
DTLF 2.500 515 / 600 2800 / 2800 +1800 / +1800 30.0 / 34.5 478
DTLF 2.250/0-400 285 2800 +1800 15.0 310
DTLF 2.500/0-400 584 2500 +1500 22.0 490
IntroductionDescriptionTechnical DataVADS 1500

Screw compressorsScrew Compressors


Driven directly by an integrated frequency inverter, these pumps no longer require any drive transmission. The area in which the units work is 100% oil-free. The integrated speed governor optimises the use of energy by matching delivery to actual demand. This creates high efficiency levels and minimises energy consumption. Blast air remains pulsation-free all of the time.


  • VADS 1500

… Various accessories, such as intake filter, non-return valve, sound absorbers as well as the air delivery and discharge system, are integrated in the completely soundproof cover structure.


  • Direct-drive, no transmission required
  • 100% oil-free compression
  • 100% contact-free and non-wearing compression
  • Integrated frequency converter
  • Continuous output controlling
  • Small oil circuit for synchronisation transmission
  • Operating/ error messages shown in display
  • Compact unit, integrated accessories
  • Low noise levels
  • Lower maintenance requirements
  • Pulsation-free air vacuum and blast air
  • High degree of efficiency, low energy requirements
  • Modern design
VARIAIR max. blast air rate
max. pressure
[mbar abs.]
max. pressure
[mbar rel.]
max. motor capacity
VADS 1500 1200 2000 +1000 45,0

VADS 1500

  • Direct-drive, no transmission required
  • 100% oil-free compression
  • 100% contact-free and non-wearing compression
  • Integrated frequency converter
  • Continuous output controlling
  • Small oil circuit for synchronisation transmission
  • Operating/ error messages shown in display
  • Compact unit, integrated accessories
  • Low noise levels
  • Lower maintenance requirements
  • Pulsation-free air vacuum and blast air
  • High degree of efficiency, low energy requirements
  • Modern design
Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
VADS 1500 1200 2000 +1000 45.0 1200
IntroductionDescriptionTechnical DataSVSV VARIAIRVASF VARIAIR

Side channel blowersSide Channel Blowers

Using “multi-stage” compression, side channel blowers generate low-pulsation blast air. Perfected impeller design with curved blades guarantees optimum efficiency. 


  • SV Series
  • SV (VARIAIR) Series (1-stage, 2-stage)
  • VASF (VARIAIR) Series (1-stage, 2-stage)

… Separation Of the compression chambers on both sides of the impeller permits single-stage, twin-flow as well as two-stage, single-flow operation with only one impeller. Intake filter and pressure safety valve can be integrated as an optional extra in the patented design of the sound absorbers. The sound absorbers can be varied in length, affording flexible adjustment to available installation space.

The frequency inverter integrated in the VARIAIR UNIT significantly enhances the performance data of side channel blowers. It matches compressor delivery exactly to customer requirements. The patented, sensorless control system that keeps pressure and volumetric flow constant ensures steady operation, even where differing suction-air rates or pressure levels are demanded. The speed range up to 6000 min-1 can be used to create compact, high-output units. The integrated electronic self-protection feature on the blowers saves the need for costly accessories, such as pressure safety valve or air discharge sound absorber. As no unnecessary blast air is generated, air discharge noise is kept to a minimum. Matching delivery exactly to the amount of air actually used guarantees optimised energy consumption.

Becker’s innovative VASF 50, 80, and 120 range of side channel blowers is particularly well suited to meeting requirements of the type placed on de-centralized vacuum or pressure generators in terms of system integration and operating efficieny by forward-pointing technoligies. Compact design, optimized aerodynamics, wide speed range with extremely low operating noise as well as “intelligent” drive electronics provide the basis for excellent performance and efficiency while keeping size and weight to a minimum. Modular design flexibility is the key to a single- or multi-stage version with AC or DC drive. A leap forward in technology ultimately expressed in a clearly defined, slim-line exterior.

*We are an authorized distributor of Becker Pumps, providing genuine products with expert technical support and full warranty.

type max. blast air rate
[m3/h] 50/60Hz
max. pressure
[mbar abs.] 50/60Hz
max. pressure
[mbar rel.] 50/60Hz
max. motor capacity
[KW] 50/60Hz
SV 300/1 335/405 1250/1230 +250/+230 3,00/3,60
SV 300/2 165/200 1515/1460 +515/+460 3,00/3,60
SV 1.50/3 41/48 1100/1100 +100/+100 0,18/0,21
SV 5.90/1 76/87 1095/1070 +95/+70 0,37/0,44
SV 5.90/2 42/50 1240/1225 +240/+225 0,37/0,44
SV 5.250/1 231/250 1190/1120 +190/+120 2,00/1,80
SV 5.250/2 130/160 1400/1285 +400/+285 2,00/1,80
SV 5.300/1 325/380 1430/1400 +430/+430 5,50/6,60
SV 5.490/1 472/570 1410/1370 +410/+370 7,50/9,00
SV 5.690/1 720/889 1410/1395 +410/+395 11,0/13,5
SV 5.690/2-500 375/435 1500/1450 +500/+450 7,50/9,00
SV 5.1050/1 1080/1255 1365/1255 +365/+255 15,0/15,0
SV 7.330/1-01 290/335 1360/1365 +360/+365 4,00/4,80
SV 7.330/2-01 156/189 1475/1500 +475/+500 3,00/3,60
SV 7.330/2-501 158/189 1500/1500 +500/+500 3,00/3,60
SV 7.380/1-01 360/428 1275/1275 +275/+275 4,00/4,80
SV 7.430/1-01 415/493 1220/1210 +220/+210 4,00/4,80
SV 7.430/2-01 235/290 1450/1400 +450/+400 4,00/4,80
SV 8.130/1-01 120/145 1250/1225 +250/+225 1,25/1,50
SV 8.130/2-01 65/75 1425/1400 +425/+400 1,25/1,50
SV 8.160/1-01 145/175 1225/1170 +225/+170 1,50/1,50
SV 8.160/2-01 75/95 1400/1315 +400/+315 1,50/1,50
SV 8.190/1-01 181/217 1285/1255 +285/+255 2,00/2,40
SV 8.190/2-01 98/117 1430/1500 +430/+500 2,00/2,40
SV 8.400/1-01 410/490 1330/1310 +330/+310 5,50/6,60
SV 8.400/2-01 210/250 1530/1585 +530/+585 5,50/6,60
SV 8.400/2-501 220/260 1660/1610 +660/+610 5,50/6,60
VARIAIR max. blast air rate
max. pressure
[mbar abs.]
max. pressure
[mbar rel.]
max. motor capacity
SV 300/1 640 1355 +355 7,50
SV 300/2 320 1570 +570 7,50
SV 8.130/1-401 235 1350 +350 4,00
SV 8.130/2-401 129 1550 +550 4,00
SV 8.190/1-401 320 1260 +260 4,00
SV 8.190/2-401 175 1500 +500 4,00
SV 7.330/1-401 520 1385 +385 7,50
SV 7.330/2-401 290 1550 +550 7,50
SV 8.400/1-401 810 1280 +280 11,0
VASF 1.50/1 47 1231 +231 0,5
VASF 1.50/2 24 1412 +412 0,5
VASF 1.80/1 75 1260 +260 1,0
VASF 1.80/2 40.5 1420 +420 1,0
VASF 1.120/1 114 1275 +275 1,65
VASF 1.120/2 65 1425 +425 1,65
type max. blast air rate
[m3/h] 50/60Hz
max. pressure
[mbar abs.] 50/60Hz
max. pressure
[mbar rel.] 50/60Hz
max. motor capacity
[KW] 50/60Hz
SV 220/1 uw 220/264 1160/1110 +160/+110 1,6/1,8
SV 220/2 uw 110/132 1320/1260 +320/+260 1,6/1,8
SV 300/1 uw 300/360 1200/1140 +200/+140 2,8/3,3
SV 300/2 uw 150/180 1400/1330 +400/+330 2,8/3,3
SV 320/2 uw 160/190 1700/1570 +700/+570 4,9/5,8

SV 8 Series


  • Multi-stage compression
  • Low-pulsation suction air
  • Efficient impeller design with curved blades
  • Separated compression chambers allow for single-stage, twin flow or two-stage, single flow operation
  • Variable length sound absorbers


SV 200, SV 300 & SV400 SERIES

  • Optional integrated vacuum filter and safety valve
  • Optional Variair frequency inverter for steady, precise operation



Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
SV 1.50/3 41 / 48 1100 / 1100 +100 / +100 0.18 / 0.21 8
SV 5.90/1 76 / 87 1095 / 1070 +95 / +70 0.37 / 0.44 13
SV 5.90/2 42 / 50 1240 / 1225 +240 / +225 0.37 / 0.44 13
SV 200/1 183 / 230 1225 / 1220 +225 / +220 1.5 / 1.8 25.5
SV 200/2 90 / 110 1410 / 1430 +410 / +430 1.5 / 1.8 26
SV 201/1 190 / 230 1210 / 1200 +210 / +200 1.5 / 1.8 25.5
SV 201/2 90 / 110 1420 / 1400 +420 / +400 1.5 / 1.8 25.5
SV 300/1 335 / 405 1370 / 1350 +370 / +350 4.0 / 4.8 37
SV 300/2 165 / 200 1515 / 1460 +515 / +460 3.0 / 3.6 37
SV 400/1 440 / 500 1380 / 1350 +380 / +350 5.5 / 6.6 44
SV 400/2 210 / 250 1500 / 1450 +500 / +450 4.0 / 4.8 45
SV 500/1 510 / 610 1435 / 1405 +435 / +405 7.5 / 9.0 61.3
SV 500/2 260 / 305 1480 / 1530 +480 / +530 5.5 / 6.6 ? 62.2
SV 700/1 750 / 900 140 / 1400 +400 / +400 11.0 / 13.2 89
SV 700/2 370 / 440 1500 / 1470 +500 / +470 7.5 / 9.0 89
SV 1100/1 1050 / 1150 1390 / 1350 +390 / +350 15.0 / 18.0 118
SV 1100/2 520 / 610 1500 / 1410 +500 / +410 11.0 / 13.2 118



  • Multi-stage compression
  • Low-pulsation suction air
  • Efficient impeller design with curved blades
  • Separated compression chambers allow for single-stage, twin flow or two-stage, single flow operation
  • Variable length sound absorbers



Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
SV 201/1 350 1340 +340 4.0 32
SV 201/2 175 1560 +560 4.0 32
SV 300/1 640 1355 +355 7.5 49.5
SV 300/2 320 1570 +570 7.5 49.5
SV 400/1 865 1380 +380 11.0 75

VASF 1 Series


  • Multi-stage compression
  • Low-pulsation blast air
  • Efficient impeller design with curved blades
  • Separated compression chambers allow for single-stage, twin flow or two-stage, single flow operation
  • Variable length sound absorbers
  • Variair frequency inverter
  • Optional threaded or flanged connections



Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
VASF 1.50/1 47 1231 +231 0.5 7
VASF 1.50/2 24 1412 +412 0.5 7
VASF 1.80/1 75 1260 +260 1.0 14
VASF 1.80/2 40.5 1420 +420 1.0 14
VASF 1.120/1 114 1275 +275 1.65 24
VASF 1.120/2 65 1425 +425 1.65 24
IntroductionDescriptionVAU RV & VATP

Radial Blowers


Radial blowers achieve high delivery volumes with very little pulsation. The frequency inverter integrated on the motor provides the capability of matching volumetric flow exactly to customer requirements. 


  • VAU RV
  • VATP


… Accessories, such as intake filter or air discharge sound absorber, are available as optional extras.


The frequency inverter integrated in the VARIAIR UNIT significantly enhances the performance data of the pump. It matches pump delivery exactly to customer requirements. Energy consumption is optimised and constant pressure is guaranteed even where demand is subject to variation or severe fluctuation. As no unnecessary suction air is generated, noise is kept to a minimum. Dirt from the surrounding environment is kept out of the  pumps. “Gentle” pump start-up reduces strain on mechanical components and reliably extends their useful life. Variable output ranges minimise the number of different types required, thus also providing logistical advantages.

Becker Radial blower RV 1.1045/11-001/10  Becker Radial blower RV 1.1535/11-023/01  Becker Radial blower RV 1.1535/11-002/10 Becker Radial blower RV 1.1742/11-012  Becker Radial blower RV 1.1742/11-000/01
 RV 1.1045/11-001/10  RV 1.1535/11-023/01  RV 1.1535/11-002/10  RV 1.1742/11-012  RV 1.1742/11-000/01

*We are an authorized distributor of Becker Pumps, providing genuine products with expert technical support and full warranty.

vau-rv-2-seriesVATP 1600


  • Constant pressure
  • Low-pulsation blast air
  • Air-cooled
  • High flow
  • Energy efficiency
  • Compact design
  • Variair frequency inverter
Model Max. Blast
Air Rate
[m³/h] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar abs.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Pressure
[mbar rel.] 50 / 60Hz
Max. Motor
Capacity [kW] 50 / 60Hz
VAU RV 2.1944/10 1570 1410 +410 11.3 56
VATP 1600 1570 1410 +410 11.3 162