Unique SSV DN125 and DN150 by Alfa Laval, offering modular and hygienic solutions for diverse industrial applications.
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Unique SSV DN125 and DN150 by Alfa Laval, offering modular and hygienic solutions for diverse industrial applications.Unique SSV DN125 and DN150 

The Alfa Laval Unique SSV DN125 and DN150 Valves, which are versatile and reliable pneumatic single seat valves, provide a single contact surface between the plug and the seat, reducing the danger of contamination. The single seat valve meets the process’s most severe safety and hygiene standards due to its modular and hygienic design. The low number of moving parts ensures reliability and low maintenance costs.

Its comprehensive range of supplementary features allows it to be adapted to the needs of certain procedures. Alfa Laval’s Unique SSV DN125 and DN 150 have hygienic applications in a wide range of industries, including food and beverage, brewing, dairy, and others.



Unique SSV DN125 and DN150 Application

The Alfa Laval Unique SSV DN125 and DN150 have sanitary applications in a variety of industries, including food and beverage, brewing, dairy, and others.


  1. Versatile and affordable
  2. Manages heavy fluids and large particles with ease 
  3. Durable, long-lasting construction
  4. Meets all hygienic and 3A criteria.

Related Industries

  • Beverage Processing
  • Dairy Processing
  • Food Processing



Temperature range, standard lip seal: -10 °C to +100 °C (EPDM)


Max. product pressure: 1000 kPa (10 bar)
Min. product pressure: Full vacuum
Air pressure, actuator- Sizes DN125-150: 600 to 800 kPa (6 to 8 bar)



Product wetted steel parts: 1.4401 (316L)
Other steel parts: 1.4301 (304)
Plug stem sizes DN125-150: 1.4401 (316L)
Product wetted seals: EPDM
Other seals: NBR

Standard Design

The Alfa Laval Unique SSV DN125 and DN150 models are available in either a one- or two-body construction. The valve bodies, plugs, actuator, and clamp rings are all easy to configure. The valve can be used as a shutdown with two or three functional ports, or as a changeover valve with up to four ports. The valve seat, which joins the two bodies in the changeover version, is built to ensure flexibility. Valve seals are designed with longevity in mind. The actuator is designed with clamp rings, and a yoke links it to the valve body. The valve is shipped to you partially assembled so that it can be readily fitted. The valve includes weld ends as standard and can be modified with a variety of fittings. As the valve is huge and heavy, it is recommended that you use support equipment when handling and installing it. Alfa Laval, on the other hand, is unable to deliver the necessary auxiliary tools. This valve supports Alfa Laval ThinkTop V50 and V70 sensors and controllers. The Alfa Laval Anytime configurator allows you to simply modify it to practically any process need.

Working Principle

The Alfa Laval Unique SSV Standard operates remotely using compressed air. The actuator protects process lines from pressure peaks, ensuring smooth operation. Alfa Laval’s ThinkTop may be used to operate the valve.