Bin cleaning was never this easy. The Gamajet Cart KlenzR is a hands-free cleaning approach to rapid bin and cart cleaning. The patented rotary impingement cleaning, utilizes power, rather than time and chemicals to clean 100% of the bin in under 90 seconds.
The system operates off of a standard pressure washer at 4 gpm (18 L). Hot or cold water is up to you. Single or Dual stations are available, as are custom sizes. There is no easier or faster way to clean your carts or wheelie bins.
Overall Dimensions
How it Works:
Gamajets rotary impingement tank cleaning technology ensures the entire wheelie bin or container is cleaned. The power of the Gamajet IX will blast off any residue, especially the built up waste at the bottom. Connect your hoses and water supply to pressure washer.
Connect hose to custom Gamajet stand, and mount the IX into the center. Tilt bin over tray and into place (can be done easily with one person) Turn on pressure washer and let the Gamajet run for 60-90 seconds depending on the amount residue. Cleaning is now complete.
*Hot water required for grease.
Need flexible cleaning on the move? The Alfa Laval CartKlenzR gives you mobile 360-degree CIP power anywhere it’s needed. Reach out to us for full specs