Pump Type

August 20, 2014
VADS 250+ screw vacuum pump with oil-free operation, integrated frequency inverter, and high-efficiency performance for industrial applications.

Screw Compressor – VADS 250

August 19, 2014

Green Pepper

GPH is an open impeller centrifugal pump, manufactured from stainless steel AISI 316L. With excellent electro polished surfaces, high finish and mechanical strength, the GPH range meet the demands from a variety if today's industries. After all, GPH is still available at a very appealing price level.
August 19, 2014

Fimett Magdrive

Oversize shaft to improve life-span.

Pump rear-housing acts as insulator to prevent motor heat being transmitted to fluid.

Magnetic design acts as clutch to eliminates motor burnout or overloading.

August 19, 2014

Fimett Magnetic

Motor: Direst starting motor, IEC Standard

Mounting Bracket: Strong mounting Bracket for stable performance

Impeller Rear-Support: Extra impeller rear-support for stable performance

July 17, 2014


July 17, 2014

United Centrifugal

July 17, 2014


July 17, 2014

Lawrence Pumps

July 17, 2014

