Becker U5- The Improved Vacuum Pump





Time-proven and robust workhorse
for continuous smooth processes
• Robust vacuum pump for use in the pump stand or the
central vacuum system
Good evacuation times compared to industry standards
Compact structural dimensions compared to industry standards
Optimised energy efficiency: ideal performance at low power


U5 (New Improved! )

Quick and efficient way to package meat and sausages,
cheese and dairy products or pastries in vacuum or
protective atmosphere.
Shortest evacuation times compared
to industry standards
• Low installed motor capacity in direct comparison
Highly efficient oil separation for extended
maintenance intervals
• Compact structural dimensions: minimal footprint,
easy integration into packaging machines without
expensive special-purpose machinery
Ideal for sensitive fresh products thanks
to minimal heat emission

U5 O2-Pack (New Improved! )

The safe and simple way to package red meat under O2 atmosphere
Lifelong oil lubrication, no oil changes required
Compact design, same overall length as the U5 series (series is not extended by an additional separation)
• New highly efficient 3-stage oil separation with minimum footprint
• Plus the same advantages as the other models of the U5 series

Booster/ Pump Stand

The compact version for partial centralisation
Efficient solution for both booster and pump stand applications
Significant increase in evacuation speed compared to vacuum
pumps which are integrated into packaging machines
• Various customisation options (frequency control, monitoring
sensor system, signal output to the packaging machine)
• Booster pump with integrated bypass as a backup for packaging
processes with quick cycling times for high operational reliability
and availability
• Mounted on a stainless steel frame for highest hygienic standards
in all areas

Central Vacuum System

Improving system efficiency
• Consulting, commissioning, maintenance and
repair from one single source
• Adaptation of the operational vacuum supply
based on actual operational requirements
• Optimisation of the overall energy balance
Centralisation in one location prevents the development
of heat within the production hall saving energy costs for
air-conditioning and reducing noise emission
Dry compressing vacuum pumps as an alternative
to compression principles based on oil lubrication
• Medium, rough, forming and high vacuum for even
more efficient evacuation times and more economical
operation of your centralised facility
Control electronics compatible with all systems: allows
simple adaptation, expansion and integration to various
customer-specific requirements

Technical Data


U 5.70 

U 5.100  U 5.165  U 5.200

U 5.300 


50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60



84 100 120 165 198 200 240 300


mbar abs. 0.1/0.5 0.1/0.5 0.1/0.5 0.1/0.5 0.1/0.5 0.1/0.5 0.1/0.5 0.1/0.5 0.1/0.5



U 5.70 O2-PACK

U 5.100 O2-PACK U 5.165 O2-PACK U 5.200 O2-PACK

U 5.300 O2-PACK


50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60



84 100 120 165 198 200 240 300


mbar abs. 0.5/1.0 0.5/1.0 0.5/1.0 0.5/1.0 0.5/1.0 0.5/1.0 0.5/1.0 0.5/1.0 0.5/1.0


U4.400 U4.630


50 60 50 60
m³/h 435 508 624


mbar abs. 0.5/3.0 0.5/3.0 0.5/3.0


RBP/500 RBP/1000 RBP/2000



60 50 60 50



500 600 1000 1200 2000


?p mbar (max.) 60 60 60 60 60



For more information, drop us a message  😀

Our engineers will be happy to assist you with selecting the best pump to fulfill your requirements.
