Validating Rotary Impingement Cleaning
Alfa Laval Rotacheck: Find some extra assurance that your rotary impingement tank cleaning machine is working and validate your process.
Inlet Connections: Choose your connection, we have both industrial and sanitary connections.
Bi-Pod: A convienant attachment for our bung down wine barrel cleaners.
Tri-Pod: Used for temporarly mounting a Gamajet in a fixed location, perfect for tanks with imperfect bottoms.
Portable Cart: Perfect for portable bottom entry applications, where you can roll the Gamajet in and out.
Manway Adaptor: Designed for easy insertion into manways, the unit seals and prevents splash-out during cleaning.
Gamajet 88: A dual Gamajet mounting system, to direct the cleaning force of two Gamajet machines directly at the bulkheads of an OTR tanker.
Sidewinder Horizontal Cleaner: The Gamajet Sidewinder is a revolutionary, affordable accessory for achieving the most effective and efficient tanker, trailer, and railcar cleaning. Enabling a tank cleaning device to be placed on its side, it completely changes the nature of the nozzles’ orbit.
Filters: Self-flushing and affordable filters for our standard applications.
Deflector Plate: A protection against backsplash when cleaning wet well or lift stations.
Hose Reel: Especially useful with the Gamajet Toteblast Station, the hose reel is perfect for rugged, heavy duty applications requiring long lengths of hose and large storage capacity